Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV Reviews

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Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 4.6
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Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV

Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV Overview:

  • CineSpeed, Game Mode, PC Input
  • Dynamic Backlight
  • 3 HDMI Inputs

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Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV

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Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
57 Reviews
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22 of 24 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Pleasantly Surprised-A NonTechnical Update, January 17, 2010
Kathy Wright (Richmond Heights, MO USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV (Electronics)
I got this item on a Gold Box special, so I ordered quickly with no reviews posted. Then I saw a lot of negative comments in the Gold Box section, especially regarding the sound quality. I have had the TV for less than 24 hours so I am not going to be able to provide an in-depth review, but I will say my fears were unfounded. For $389, no shipping charges, I could not have done better. The sound is fine. The picture is beautiful. The TV is attractive and not heavy. The remote is difficult to program and we are still working on that. We are not yet able to get all of the info on shows we got from our original Dish remote, but we are down to one remote rather than the two we had previously.
Several others asked about computer usage, and I have not tried to do this although it looks like it is equipped for this use. I don't have any reason to believe that picture-in-picture capacity exists, but who knows?
My point in the quick posting is that there is a lot of negative... Read more
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Great Product, January 21, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV (Electronics)
I bought this TV on the infamous Gold Box Deal of the Day. I was skeptical of the "low-end" aspect of the TV but decided I couldn't pass it up as I could use it in the bedroom whenever I get my dream 'perfectly crisp' and 'advanced LED' HDTV in the near future. I love HDTVs that have great detail and crispness to the point of awe. I received the TV 2 business days later after ordering in the evening during the deal.

I set the TV up and the size works perfectly in my living room which my viewing space between the couch and the TV is just about right for the TV (It's not a large living room). Over the air HDTV channels are accessible with the internal digital tuner.

The picture is great. It isn't the perfection I wanted and it isn't very crisp and doesn't bring awe. That is what the fairly expensive TV's bring. For the deal price and the price the TV is selling now, it is a great purchase to make in order to view broadcast and satellite. I was pleased and... Read more
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Buy, January 21, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Toshiba 32RV525R 32-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV (Electronics)
I like others here purchased this TV as a Today's Deal on the 15th for $390 and was extremely pleased to receive it within 24 hours of purchase, kudos to Amazon! I am by no means a technical person, my son normally sets up everything for me, however, I had this set up within 10 minutes. I do not have this hooked up to a HD receiver as yet, standard Direct TV receiver, and the picture is excellent. I am not sure why there is so many remarks about sound, it sounds great to me. I did not purchase to play games or use as a computer monitor, just to watch TV in my home office. Bottom line, great buy for my needs and I would recommend to other consumers.
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