Buy LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso at Discount Price
You can buy LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso. Also read our LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso reviews before you decide to buy LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso Overview:
- 3D TV. LED Plus
- NetCast Entertainment Access (Wi-Fi Ready)
- Wireless 1080p Ready
- TruMotion 240Hz
- Espresso trim
- Dynamic contrast ratio: 8,000,000:1
- Speakers: 2 x 10W
LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso Reviews, On Sale LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso, buy LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso, LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso best buy, LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso Discount, LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso For Sale
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LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso Reviews
178 of 192 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso (Electronics) I bought the LG 55LX6500 HDTV as a bundled deal that included an LG BX580 3D/Network/BluRay player and four LG 3D glasses. In addition I bought the SquareDeal 4-year warranty and took advantage of the Store card's 24 month no interest special financing deal, which was the deal-clincher for me. The entire bundle was around two and a half grand. I've seen that on this same model in Best Buy just for the TV, so the Amazon bundle was quite a deal. The entire bundle was free shipping (and no taxes). Overall, it was a deal I couldn't pass up.DELIVERY The LG TV arrived in less than a week, the BluRay player afew days earlier, and the 3D active-shutter glasses arrived a couple weeks later. Neither the BluRay player, nor the HDTV comes with an HDMI cable. What LG supplies is the wimpy yellow, red, white low-resolution analog cable trio. Not including an HDMI high speed cable is, in my opinion, a poor marketing decision by LG because you can't get the best... Read more 42 of 43 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso (Electronics) After reading the first review I thought I needed to put in my 2 cents worth. I bought a package which included the TV, LG580 3D blu-ray player and a couple of pairs of glasses from Vanns since at the time they had the lower price. I have found this TV to be astounding in every way possible. It has a low refeclection screen which was important to me because my room can get very bright. You have to turn on the 240HZ mode which could explain the blur in the first review because I have none. The picture is absolutly beautiful and my old DVD's played are so clear it's like watching a soap opera. The sound isn't bad from the TV but I have it hooked up to a digital receiver that is connected with optical cables so the sound is outstanding. I am streaming movies through the DVD player from Netflix and the picture is incredible. This may be do to the upgrade to HD or the fact that it is done through the DVD player and not the TV. The cables need tyo be upgraded from 3a to 4a or b because of... Read more 33 of 35 people found the following review helpful This review is from: LG 55LX6500 55-Inch 3D 1080p 240 Hz LED Plus LCD HDTV, Espresso (Electronics) I have owned this TV for about a month now and I've been exploring the features. I use the TV primarily as a display hooked to a 5.1 audio receiver via HDMI (and optical out).THE GOOD: Picture Quality - Very good. I'm really impressed with how natural the skin tones are and I am picky. There are a ridiculous number of setting to tweak it as well. Netcast - LG has several popular applications built into the TV. The TV becomes it's own entertainment system. We have used Netflix a lot. It uses the now standard Netflix interface. The video quality is exceptional. We have also played with YouTube. The YouTube interface is intuitive. The only down side I have seen is that it appears you are limited to playing a maximum of 360p video. No HD. Skype video chat is also available with the purchase of an optional video camera. It appears to be HD. There are also 2 pay per view movie "channels" and MLB. Looks - The TV has a bronze... Read more |
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