Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color Reviews

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You can buy Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color. Also read our Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color reviews before you decide to buy Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 4.5
Price : Check Special Offer Today (Limited Time Offer)

Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color

Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color Overview:

  • Full 1080p HD Resolution with 120Hz Auto Motion Plus
  • Full Wrap Touch of Color Bezel, ISP Addressable w/ 1GB internal memory
  • 50,000:1 contrast ratio, 4ms response time, Super Clear Panel Technology
  • 4 HDMI Iputs, 2 Component Inputs, 1 PC Input, Wide Color Ehnacer, USB 2.0, HDMI-CEC
  • RSS-Infolink, Wheel Key Remote, SRS Surround Sound

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Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color

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Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
304 Reviews
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169 of 174 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Great picture, DLNA shows promise, a few flaws - what's with the PIP, June 24, 2008
This review is from: Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color (Electronics)
I have only had this TV for a few days, so this is not a complete review, but I wanted to warn others about some issues that they may find important.

Picture quality is great - I have not run a calibration or tested various known sources for difficult to reproduce scenes or motion. The blacks are so good that the image color looks over saturated at the factory default setting when placed next to a panel with lower contrast ratio. (It should be kept in mind that the eye has a logarithmic response to light, and a 50,000:1 contrast ratio may not be that much more than a 30,000:1 ratio.) In the store I was comparing this panel to a 46a550 and 46a530 all at their factory default settings. The 550's image was more natural looking at the factory default setting.

Watching SD analog content on digital TVs can be annoying with various artifacts visible in the conversion of the analog signal to the native digital of the TV. This TV does a very respectable job of this - with... Read more
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52 of 52 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars LN46A750, May 31, 2008
ER "ER" (New York, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color (Electronics)
I currently have a Sony KDL-40XBR2, and wanted an upgrade, and wasn't sure wether to purchase a KDL-46XBR4 model or this new Samsung LN46A750 model. After doing extensive research, I decided to go with the Samsung LN46A750. I purchased this TV a few days ago, and this tv is simply amazing. The picture quality is excellent, and I must admit, at least to me, is much better than the XBR2 I currently have.

Just a note...under one of the settings on the TV, the energy saver setting might be set to AUTO, and if that is the case the contrast will fluctuate. Once that feature is turned off, the TV will no longer "flicker".
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79 of 82 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Simply Astounding!, May 25, 2008
A. Meschkow (Queens, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Samsung LN46A750 46-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV with RED Touch of Color (Electronics)
I have been researching the best price versus value for Samsung and other brand LCD 720P & 1080P televisions for at least 2 years by reading the reviews. I was just about to purchase Samsung model LNT4665 (Highest Rated) when I noticed that this model LN46A750 was released in April. Samsung LCD TV's have a great track record for picture quality and reliability, so I purchased this model even though there were no reviews posted on Amazon yet.

The price is at least a $1000 lower than the retail chain stores and the FREE "White Glove" delivery is an added bonus. Amazon's white glove delivery means that the TV is brought into your home, carton removed and placed on your TV stand for no extra cost. At that point you can power it up and check for defects (dead pixels) before you sign the delivery receipt.

Now onto picture quality. This 1080P LCD TV's picture quality is simply astounding!. The contrast levels rival that of Plasma televisions. Up until recently, Plasma... Read more
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