LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV Reviews

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LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV Reviews

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Rating: 4.4
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LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV

LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV Overview:

  • 600Hz Sub Field Driving
  • High Definition Resolution
  • 3M:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio
  • TruSlim Frame
  • Picture Wizard II

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LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV

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LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV Reviews

Customer Reviews
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119 of 119 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Value, performance, quality - this LG TV delivers, April 7, 2010
This review is from: LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV (Electronics)
Let me start by saying that I am not a videophile, but when it comes to purchasing a television I can be very picky. I went through the whole LCD vs. Plasma dilemma 3 years ago when I bought my Samsung 5084 (one of the best non-Pioneer plasmas at the time). That said, I was ready to supplement that unit this year with a 'smaller' LCD for the bedroom (didn't want to sweat IR, horizontal line bleed, etc). Needless to say, LCD options in the 'budget' range lack features that alleviate some of their drawbacks, forcing you to suffer through motion blur, clouding, and terrible black levels if you choose a set for ~$800).

Enter the 42" plasmas. For the sake of comparison, I decided to investigate the plasma alternative once again. This essentially brought me to the Samsung C450 due to my positive experience with the 5084 and glowing reviews for the C450. Unfortunately, users reported an audible buzzing noise from the Samsung (a noise I know full well from the 5084 and did not want... Read more
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104 of 106 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars This cannot be a sub $600 TV..., May 19, 2010
This review is from: LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV (Electronics)
Well, after suffering long enough with my fiance's 30" Philips tube set, I took the plunge and purchased the 42pj350. Let me preface this entire review by giving a little background here. I have worked for both Ultimate Electronics and American TV for a total of 4 years in the past and spend literally hundreds of hours looking at pictures on TV screens, adjusting them, using AVIA discs, etc... so I have a relatively solid base for judging picture quality here. I've loved Pioneer Elite projection sets and plasmas and sold many projection Mitsubishi sets on the basis of quality of the picture.

So...I set the set home and unbox it. Seven screws later, It's on the swiveling stand (yes, swivel stand on a $600 TV) and has taken the place of the bain of my television existence - the 30" tube. The only source I immediately have to try the set on is the composite Dish Network standard def feed, which really bummed me out. But, color me surprised when the channels, for the most part,... Read more
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25 of 25 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great flat panel TV for the $$, April 9, 2010
This review is from: LG 42PJ350 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV (Electronics)
Strengths: Many different inputs (including VGA), easy-to-use menus, good remote, thin design, very sleek looks.

Weaknesses: No native 1080p HD resolution (but it will display 1080p content as either 1080i or 720p), and no S-Video input.

Have owned this unit for 3 weeks and I love it!! Granted it is my first flat panel HD-TV, but LG makes good TVs and the price was very affordable. The picture quality is great, and that's what we are all looking for, right? There are plenty of every type of input (except S-Video), and even SD-TV content looks great from any source or input. Sound quality is very acceptable from built-in speakers, although I have a 5.1 surround receiver setup also. I love the fact that the bezel (frame around the screen) is so thin -- makes the TV look like it's just the screen itself. And the unit is so thin front-to-back, it's almost as thin as the new LED TVs! After viewing many TVs in stores and friend's homes, I prefer Plasma over LCD for the... Read more
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