Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color Reviews

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You can buy Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color. Also read our Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color reviews before you decide to buy Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color Reviews

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Rating: 4.2
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Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color

Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color Overview:

  • 46-inch LCD HDTV with full HD 1080p resolution for the sharpest picture possible and red Touch of Color design
  • Auto Motion Plus 120Hz for amazingly fluid motion, 100,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, 4ms response time, Wide Color Enhancer 3 for more vivid colors
  • Flickr, YouTube via your broadband connection; side-mounted USB port for displaying JPEG/MPEG files and listening to MP3 audio
  • Inputs: 4 HDMI-CEC, 2 component, 2 composite, 1 PC, 2 USB, 1 Ethernet, 1 optical digital audio output
  • Includes removable stand; measures 44.3 x 30.8 x 10.9 inches with stand; 10-watt x 2 bottom mounted speakers with subwoofer

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Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color

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Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
148 Reviews
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340 of 352 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Picture Quality (Unless you need a matte screen), April 30, 2009
M. Joachim "Matt" (Hoboken, NJ 07030) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color (Electronics)
**May 1, 2009 Updates at the bottom
**May 8, 2009 Updates at the bottom
**May 14, 2009 -- I've updated my final calibration

I just received my LN46B650 today so I may update this review in time. Feel free to comment with questions and I'll try to respond to them in later updates.

The box for the LN46B650 comes is not too much larger than the TV dimensions itself. Sometimes you'll see a 32" TV come in a box that could easily fit one much larger. I wouldn't exactly call it environmentally friendly, but the box easily fit through doorways and into the elevator of my apartment building. The box is fitted with Styrofoam at the corners to keep the TV in its place and inflated plastic bags filling in all the empty space. There is the typical screen protective plastic in place and I found that the TV came in excellent condition with no noticeable shipping damage. I did not use's shipping company, the handling of other shippers may... Read more
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51 of 51 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Unbelievable Picture Quality, April 5, 2009
James M. Lane "JML" (Wilton, CT USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color (Electronics)
I purchased this item last week 3-27-09 without the luxury of any reviews posted.. Just the picture I saw at B.B... I also purchased the Blue Ray player... The picture on this TV is Awesome... Better than I expected. Get the Blue Ray... I watched a movie on it the other night... Never knew what I was missing! This TV has all the bells & whistles as the 46A850 model with the upgrade to 100,000 : 1 contrast ratio. Sound is great. Picture is great... Easy to set up... Delivery from Amazon better than expected. Had people over to watch the final 4 NCAA last night... One gentleman kept walking up to the TV & asking his wife why his new SONY didn't look even close to this... Swivel stand is also Key to me... Red touch of color is not noticeable unless you look very close... Then you appreciate it! Hope this helps... Happy shopping
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43 of 44 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Samsung makes great TVs... 5 stars for this model!, April 12, 2009
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Samsung LN46B650 46-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV with Red Touch of Color (Electronics)
There are lots of in-depth reviews of this TV on the web, so I won't go in to too much detail here. I will say that the picture quality is awesome on this model, and that I'm very happy with my purchase. The red touch of color isn't too obvious (I still wish Samsung would abandon the TOC though). The swivel base is nice, too.

The "auto-motion plus" (AMP) feature is improved over the 2008 model by allowing you to fine-tune the settings more. AMP is the technology that fills in extra frames (120Hz) so video doesn't look so "jerky". Owners of the 2008 model sometimes had complaints that they could not adjust the AMP setting enough to their liking. The 2009 model allows greater customization.

"Game mode" helps eliminate the lag when playing games. Once I turned this mode on, there was no lag when playing "Rock Band" and other games on the PS3.

I am using HDMI v1.3b cables that only cost a dollar from BargainCell. Images are awesome. Don't spend... Read more
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